Three Mile Island Reopens: What It Means for America’s Energy Future

History of Three Mile Island

In Pennsylvania, close to Middletown, sits the nuclear power plant known as Three Mile Island. The most significant commercial nuclear accident in American history occurred there, as is well known. A cooling system malfunction caused a partial meltdown of one of the reactors on March 28, 1979. Despite being a terrifying event, it also resulted in stricter safety guidelines for nuclear power facilities nationwide. The location is now remembered for its potential to produce clean energy as well as the crisis.

Three Mile Island was operational after the accident until it was closed in 2019. The primary cause of this was unprofitability as more affordable energy sources, like renewable energy and natural gas, gained traction in the market. Plans to reopen the plant, with an emphasis on its ability to produce low-emission energy, have recently surfaced. America’s energy landscape is evolving due to technological advancements, and Three Mile Island is central to a possible renaissance.

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