Roughly 200 Ohio State health care workers and community supporters picket outside of Wexner Medical Center over staffing crisis Wednesday

Front-line medical staff members and community supporters lined up outside of the Wexner Medical Center to demand a larger workforce and better working conditions Wednesday. Credit: Emma Bush | Lantern Reporter

Chants of “When I say staffing, you say now!” rang out Wednesday afternoon as health care workers at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center picketed to demand a larger workforce and better working conditions.

Organized by the IAM Healthcare Union — a union comprised of healthcare professionals, including clinicians, technicians and caregivers nationwide — the picket brought together around 200 front-line medical staff members and community supporters from noon to 1:30 p.m. Participants held signs and chanted outside the University Hospital — located at 410 W. 10th Ave. — calling for Ohio State’s administrators to invest in safer staffing levels…

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