The first of many: Setting the standard for queens to come

To be the first can be daunting. It takes a certain caliber of person to execute this feat and create the standard. As we embark on the 45th Miss Black Cincinnati and 35th Miss Black Teen Cincinnati pageants, let’s take some time to step back and shed light on one of the firsts. Ms Vicky “Vee” McWorther.

Vicky was crowned Miss Black Teenage America in the first Miss Black Teenage America Pageant in Cincinnati, Ohio. During her reign, she was bestowed the key to the city and received the Ms. Positivity Award, along with the title Ms. Dream Girl.

Not only is she a pageant queen, but she is a woman of many talents, from singing to acting. Her acting debut took place right here in the city, at the beloved Playhouse in the Park. In her own words:…

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