Gabrielle Pearce attempts to shoot ex-boyfriend with handgun during argument over dogs

25-year-old Gabrielle Nicole Pearce had an altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Jacob Riihimaa, at his residence on High Point Road late January 23rd. Riihimaa stated in his 911 call that a firearm discharged in the driveway. Officers arrived, and Riihimaa told them Pearce had come by to get her dogs. He stated they argued, during which Pearce slapped him repeatedly, and then she got into the driver’s seat of her truck. Riihimaa stood outside her vehicle when she kicked and slapped him before retrieving a black Sig-Sauer handgun, pointed it at him, and threatened to shoot him in the kneecap. Then, she aimed it at his head, stowed it, grabbed it again, and fired it toward his knee. He was not struck but stated he “felt his pant leg move” when she shot it. Officers observed a mark on the driveway consistent with his statement. Pearce was taken into custody for domestic aggravated assault on January 18th.

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