DUI: Elenor Barretta found passed out in car after drinking 5 beers

26-year-old Elenor Barretta was seen passed out in a Black Kia Sedan at Tracy Lane on January 15th. Once officers were able to wake her, she opened the door and introduced herself. As she introduced herself, officers recognized the scent of alcohol that was on her breath. Officers then observed five empty beer cans in the passenger seat. Barretta was then asked if she had drunk anything that could impair her driving, and she said no. Officers requested Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Barretta consented and performed poorly on them. When officers searched Barretta’s car, they found a green leaf substance that tested positive for THC. Elenor Barretta was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and simple possession.

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