Clarksville Mayor Pitts elected to Tennessee Municipal League Board of Directors

Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts was elected to the 2024-25 Board of Directors of the Tennessee Municipal League, during the League’s annual business meeting recently held in Knoxville.

Pitts was nominated by the TML membership for consideration by a six-member nominating committee composed of municipal officials statewide. He was then elected for a one-year term by a majority vote from members in attendance at the annual business meeting.

“During my service in the Tennessee House of Representatives, the Tennessee Municipal League was a trusted voice for issues that impacted cities and towns in our state,” Pitts said.

“I am grateful to my fellow Mayors to have elected me to serve this one-year term in an organization that will help our City as we navigate the challenges that come with improving our infrastructure and quality of life.”

Any current elected or appointed official with a municipality that is a participating member of the Tennessee Municipal League was encouraged to submit the names of deserving and qualified individuals for consideration.

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