Gov. Lee announces new diaper program under Strong Families Initiative

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has announced that TennCare, Tennessee’s Medicaid program, will provide 100 diapers per month for children under two who are enrolled in TennCare or CoverKids healthcare coverage, as part of Governor Lee’s Strong Families Initiative. The new diaper program takes effect on Wednesday, Aug. 7.

“Strong families are the foundation for strong communities, and with our Strong Families Initiative, we’re taking bold steps to support families like never before by easing the financial burden on new mothers,” said Gov. Lee. “Through responsible management of our TennCare program and the shared savings model, these crucial services will be provided at no additional cost to Tennesseans. Together, we’ll strengthen families and create a brighter future.”

TennCare is the first Medicaid program in the nation to offer this benefit. The investment is possible through the state’s unique TennCare III Medicaid waiver, which rewards Tennessee through shared savings for the effective and responsible management of its Medicaid program. In the first two years of the 10-year waiver, Tennessee has achieved more than $600 million in shared savings, which are being reinvested in various ways to enhance benefits and services and reach more people in need. This diaper program is just one example of how shared savings are utilized to serve Tennesseans without any additional state expense.

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