A Florida roofer owed workers $132,000 after not paying earned overtime again, feds say

A Clearwater construction company’s second violation of federal overtime pay laws resulted in the company owing $132,400 in back wages and liquidated damages, the U.S. Department of Labor announced.

That works out to an average of $6,304.76 for each of the 21 employees shorted by All Florida Weatherproofing & Construction. Or, put in terms of living expenses as stated on Rent.com, All Florida shorted employees just over three months’ average rent on a one-bedroom St. Petersburg apartment ($1,972).

All Florida, run by president Richard Fulford and vice presidents Kimberly Fulford and Joshua Fulford, according to state records, didn’t return a phone message or an email from the Miami Herald.

READ MORE: Florida restaurants owed workers $124,000 after demanding free, off-the-clock work

A Wage and Hour Division investigation found All Florida used a piece-rate pay system, but didn’t pay the time-and-a-half overtime rate still required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in a piece-rate pay system.

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