Hidden Havana: St. Pete’s Enchanting Speakeasy

For those looking to spin their date night into something unforgettable, Dirty Laundry in St. Pete is your go-to laundromat – but not the kind where you’re watching your socks tumble. Don’t Let The outside fool you. First, you’ll need to play detective: pick up the cafe’s payphone, where a secretive voice whispers a code. Punch those numbers into the dial, and like magic, a door unlocks. But wait for the fun part – this speakeasy hides behind an actual washing machine

Step through, and you’re no longer in Florida; you’re in a Havana hideaway. The atmosphere? It’s dripping with allure – think disco balls casting kaleidoscopic lights, the kind of moody lighting that makes everyone look good, neon signs that buzz with the promise of a good time, and club music that’ll have your feet tapping before you’ve even found a seat.
Now, let’s talk libations. The cocktails here aren’t just mixed; they’re crafted with the flair of a magician. The Cubana Mami might just become your new favorite, or perhaps you’ll indulge in a mojito – available in flavors that could make a fruit basket envious.

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