You’re invited to a free celebration of culture, art and hope in Cleveland

Cleveland Public Theatre is once again bringing Station Hope to Saint John’s Episcopal Church on Church Avenue in Cleveland.

“Station Hope is a huge event to celebrate not just the past but to really think about where we are at now and where we’re going to go into the future, so that all people can be free,” said Executive Artistic Director Raymond Bobgan.

It’s believed the now vacant church in Ohio City was once a stop on the Underground Railroad.

“The historians believe that when people were seeking freedom and needed to hide, they would actually go into the bell tower and the bell is still here in the front lobby,” said Bobgan.

According to National Geographic, “During the era of slavery, the Underground Railroad was a network of routes, places and people that helped enslaved people in the American South escape to the North.”

On Saturday, May 25, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., the community will come together on the grounds of the church for a free evening of theatre, music, storytelling, dance and more.

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