Accountability for Landlords: Cleveland Residents Demand Clean and Safe Community

Cleveland, OH. Many homeowners want a clean and safe community—I do mean clean. As responsible people who have invested in their property, they have many wishes, but the one they hope renters and investors will respect is to be good neighbors. To most people, that is not much to ask for, but to others, it may remain on a wishful thinking list, and this is what angers one local group in the Cleveland Ward One Community.

The Cleveland, Ohio Southeast Residents Organization, COSERO, wants landlords, management companies, and renters held accountable and responsible for living conditions: street by street, block by block, and neighbor by neighbor. No one is exempt.

Janet Williams, President of COSERO, wants people to care for their property. “I grew up here. I raised my family in this neighborhood. I don’t want it destroyed or to have a negative reputation because of the blightness and unkempt homes. We want landlords and management companies to be responsible for the conditions of their investment: cutting and trimming grass regularly, painting the brick, picking up debris, etc. Is this too much to ask?”

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