Some South Euclid residents owe money for lawn care services they didn’t get

The City of South Euclid has listed dozens of addresses as owing $54,658.18 for lawn care maintenance, but some of those homeowners on that list claim they never received such a service from the city and now want answers.

In the City of South Euclid’s City Council meeting agenda from July 22, an ordinance “assessing unpaid costs of nuisance abatement (high grass, weeds, etc)” is listed.

“There’s a 72-hour notice we give any owners out of compliance with 6 inches or more [of high grass]. After 72 hours, if it’s not cut, we send out our private contractor to cut the grass,” stated City of South Euclid Housing Manager TJ Murray.

For each time the city has to step in, it costs $60.

Not paying over time though, interest will accrue.

One South Euclid address is listed as owing as much as $1,012.32. That address is home to Warnsley Betts.

“I have not received a notice. That’s a lie,” said Betts. “I maintain our grass once a week. It’s either on a Thursday or a Friday. Since I suffered a heart attack and a stroke, I’m not able to maintain it myself so I pay someone to maintain my grass.”

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