If you’re driving near Rocky River and Lorain in Cleveland’s Kamm’s Corner, you can’t help but notice an interesting billboard sign that Maureen Patterson, Cleveland local, paid for with her own money to get her councilperson’s attention.
“There’s a lot of people that are out there that agree with me, and there’s a lot of people that don’t and that’s okay,” Patterson said.
On a billboard sign right above Papa John’s parking lot on Cleveland’s West Side, there’s a message encouraging residents to tell Councilman Charles Slife to remove speed tables in Ward 17, and it even has his number as well as the number of the woman responsible for this sign.
News 5 called the number and eventually met with Patterson, who did not want to reveal her face on camera but told us she’s been fed up for months.
Now, she said she’s sending a larger statement in hopes of getting people to sign this petition .
“When they were installed, there were no markings. No indication, and coming down my own street, I almost bottomed out my car,” Patterson said.