SB 1 becomes law; Ohio public higher education overhaul bill signed by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Friday afternoon

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill 1 — a higher education overhaul bill — into law Friday. [Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine speaks at the State of the State address in Columbus. Credit: Joshua Gunter via TNS]

The reconstruction of higher education is underway.

Ohio Senate Bill 1 — which bans diversity, equity and inclusion programming and faculty striking, limits the teaching of controversial subjects, requires the online publication of course syllabi and more across Ohio’s public higher education institutions — was signed into law by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Friday afternoon.

SB 1 — formally known as the “Enact Advance Ohio Higher Education Act” and introduced by Ohio Sen. Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland) — previously passed through the Ohio Senate Feb. 13, per prior Lantern reporting . It then passed the Ohio House of Representatives March 20, at which point it was sent back to the Senate for concurrence, per prior Lantern reporting .

If Ohio public higher education institutions do not comply with the new law’s requirements, they risk losing state funding. Ohio State spokesperson Ben Johnson confirmed the university would “follow the law.”…

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