Colorado Springs hairdresser exonerated after false arrests, accuser arrested for allegedly framing her

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — A Colorado Springs hairdresser found herself wrongfully arrested four times and spent time in jail for a crime she did not commit. Recently, her felony stalking and harassment charges were dismissed after one of her accusers was arrested for allegedly framing her in the crime.

In November 2022, Lisa Chase became entangled in a nightmarish legal battle as her ex-boyfriend, Landon Ross, and his new girlfriend, Kristin Eaton, accused her of sending them hundreds of threatening and offensive messages through a texting app called TextNow. Eaton now faces felony criminal charges for her alleged attempt to frame Chase through the app.

Chase spent more than a year denying any involvement in the incident before her charges were dismissed last month. She says that Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) investigators and prosecutors from the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office (DA’s Office) mishandled her case, failing to take adequate measures to thoroughly investigate her innocence.

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