S.A.M.E. Camp inspires high schoolers in STEM

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — While some high school seniors are spending their summer vacations by the pool or at the beach, others are prepping for a possible future in STEM at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA).

Of the nearly 200 students who applied, only 80 made the cut. Those selected showed an interest in engineering, construction and military service. At the weeklong camp, they get to learn skill-building, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership thanks to the Society of American Military Engineer’s (S.A.M.E.) camp.

“I am learning new things constantly which is honestly just the best thing,” said Keegan Mulloy, one of the campers.

According to S.A.M.E’s camp director, whether students are interested in construction or engineering, this camp gives them the opportunity to have first-hand experience about what it is like to work a day on the job.

“When people have had practical experiences with hands-on learning, they can then, when they learn the theory later, have something practical that they can connect it back to,” said James Hodges, S.A.M.E’s camp director.

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