Girl Scout troop gifts 2 new additions to Cripple Creek donkeys

CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo. ( KXRM ) — A Girl Scout troop in Peyton decided to help fund two new additions to the Cripple Creek viewing platform on Highway 83 for a community service project.

Each year, Girl Scout Troop #44307 creates a list of things they’d like to do as a troop for a community service project for their “hometown hero.” Last year, Troop #44307 — made up of girls in fourth and sixth grade — voted to donate $500 of their cookie money to the celebration and care of the donkeys of Cripple Creek.

Since then, the troop and the Cripple Creek Donkeys have become “best friends.” The girls and their leaders drove from Peyton to Cripple Creek to spend a day with the donkeys and learn more about the animals under the care of the Two Mile High Club, which has looked after the donkeys since 1931.

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Today’s herd number stands at 14, and the donkeys are taken care of by volunteers of the Two Mile High Club.

This year, the troop decided to benefit the community of Cripple Creek and their favorite equines again. They decided to make two benches to place at the Cripple Creek Donkey viewing platform on Highway 83, west of Cripple Creek. According to a statement, the scouts thought the benches would be beneficial for those who aren’t able to stand on the platform.

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