SC to pave and improve parts of major Columbia area roads & streets in 2024. Here’s where

Driving through parts of Columbia should get a little less bumpy this year.

The South Carolina Department of Transportation plans to pave and improve parts of about 34 roads and streets in 2024. The work is part of the department’s 2024 Pavement Improvement Program for the state.

Some of the more major roads that will get a facelift in Columbia this year include several miles of Percival Road, Broad River Road, Farrow Road and SC-277. Sections of more than a dozen smaller neighborhood streets are also on the list for pavement improvements.

The South Carolina Department of Transportation Commission last year approved $775 million to fund the program. The money was in addition to $2.8 billion already invested in pavement improvements across the state since the department’s strategic 10-year plan began. This will be the seventh year of the overall program and will add another 877 miles of roadway to the more than 8,000 miles of ongoing road work, the DOT states.

“As the fourth largest state maintained highway system in the nation, we know we face an incredible challenge to keep that network in good working order,” Secretary of Transportation Christy A. Hall, P.E. said in a press release last year. “When we implemented the Strategic 10-Year Plan in 2018, we set out to make significant improvements in the condition of pavements across the state that were in poor condition due to 30 years of deferred maintenance. I’m proud to report we are well on the way to meeting those goals.”

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