Richland County’s McCulloch elected president of national probate judges’ group

Richland County Probate Judge Amy McCulloch has been elected president of the National College of Probate Judges.

McCulloch, a former 5th Circuit assistant solicitor from 1991-1996, was first elected to probate judge in Richland County in 1998 and has been re-elected to successive four-year terms ever since.

Probate judges oversee estates of deceased persons, guardianship issues, marriage licenses, the involuntary commitment of individuals to institutions, or matters of trust. McCulloch has also worked on issues concerning mental and behavioral health, including abuse and suicide prevention.

McCulloch said in a telephone interview that she will aim at getting more education to probate judges as to how to oversee guardianships and conservatorships.

“Once a court appoints someone to manage an incapacitated person’s money and health, there needs to be a lot of oversight,” McCulloch said.

As baby boomers age, courts are being swamped with guardianship and conservatorship issues, she said. “Clearly managing them appropriately has got to be an emphasis.”

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