Columbus CHIPS4CHIPS recruiting effort lands manufacturing company affiliated with MIT, Georgia Tech technology incubators

ATLANTA ( WRBL ) — For more than a year, the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley has been leading an effort to bring high-tech microchip processing jobs to Columbus and the region.

The effort – called CHIPS4CHIPS – landed its first startup company that will bring investment and jobs to Columbus before the end of the year. CHIPS4CHIPS is an acronym for Chattahoochee Hub for Innovation and Production of Semiconductors.

Micromize, a pioneering semiconductor manufacturer specializing in energy-efficient electronics for wearables and mobile devices, announced Columbus operations Tuesday afternoon at the Marcus Nanotechnology Research Center on campus at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

“They make little printed circuit boards for wearable technologies like a VR headset, potentially watches,” said Ben Moser, president and CEO of the United Way and the head of CHIPS4CHIPS, a group pushing to address poverty with high-quality technology jobs. “And it also has expanded applications. The company was incubated first at MIT and then came to Georgia Tech to access the research and development that goes on at their packaging lab, the Advanced Packaging Institute, which is globally renowned as the No. 1 Advanced Packaging 3D heterogeneous integration lab in the entire world. And now that company is coming here to Columbus to set up headquarters and manufacturing.”

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