I am shaking! Paying kids to go to school a very bad idea.

I am shaking

Re “Can cash get kids to attend school?,” Jan. 17: Let’s make America great again by making parents accountable again.

The article about paying kids to go to school has me utterly shaking my head in disbelief. We’re actually considering bribing kids to go to school.

What a concept to initiate kindergarteners into school. Versus instituting right and wrong, morals and values, and the educational structure that everyone goes through. Parents are supposed to be accountable for their kids until 18.

Cash rewards for going to school?Why would anyone think taxpayers should do that?

Hold them accountable, fine or charge them and maybe we could also alleviate all these 11 to 15-year-olds that keep stealing cars and being involved in gun violence.

How do you not know where your 13-year-old is at 2 a.m. or that they have access to a gun? Still shaking my head.

Sheri Pierce, Columbus

Bill misguided and shortsighted

The bipartisan bill sponsored by State Reps. Bill Seitz, R-Green Twp., and Dani Isaacsohn, D-Evanston, to offer cash rewards for school attendance and graduation may be well intentioned but is misguided and shortsighted.

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