Ohio city drafting lawsuit against tobacco regulation ban

The City of Columbus is drafting a lawsuit against Ohio for the new state law banning cities from regulating tobacco sales, claiming the lawmakers are infringing on home rule. This tobacco battle continues the bitter fight between the state and the cities.

Many cities, like Cleveland, have a problem.

“Cleveland has probably the highest smoking rate in the country at 35% compared to 11% for the rest of the country,” said Cleveland Director of Public Health Dr. Dave Margolius.

A new state law going into effect in about 90 days will make it worse, he added.

Starting April 23, cities will no longer be able to regulate tobacco sales in city jurisdiction.

“It’s not only that they are taking away our ability to stop the sale of flavored tobacco and vape products, but they’re also taking away local jurisdictions’ ability to do health inspections in tobacco retailers,” the health director said.

The new law states that “The regulation of tobacco products and alternative nicotine products is a matter of general statewide concern that requires statewide regulation.”

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