Westerville man impersonating an officer pulls man over in front of real cops

A Westerville man has been charged with impersonating a police officer after he used his sport utility vehicle, modified to look like a police vehicle, to stop a motorist and then flag down a Columbus police officer.

Westerville Division of Police charged Brendan Conklin, 43, with impersonation, in addition to unlawful restraint. Both charges are misdemeanors, but additional potential felony charges are pending based on similar stops by Conklin.

Police say Conklin was arrested Jan. 21 following the unlawful traffic stop in a black SUV equipped with lights and a siren, mobile display terminal, dash cam and a mounted shotgun.

“It was better equipped than some police cruisers I’ve seen,” said Westerville police Lt. Justin Alloway.

According to police, Conklin pulled the motorist over for erratic driving. After a Columbus officer stopped to help, Conklin displayed a badge and described himself as being “off-duty,” Alloway said. “That implies that he’s an officer.”

A Westerville officer also stopped to help. During their conversation, the real officers became suspicious of Conklin’s ID and vehicle, but they allowed him to leave while they focused on what they believed to be an impaired driver.

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