Baby Boomers and Gen X can’t do it alone. We need more young people to donate blood.

For most of us, it takes a tragedy to be reminded of the need for blood donation . Natural disasters and acts of violence often are followed by images of long lines at blood centers.

But it’s the blood already on the shelves that makes a difference in a crisis. Blood can take up to 48 hours to be processed and tested before it can be used. That’s why the best way to save lives in an emergency is to donate in advance.

January marked National Blood Donor Month , which presents a collective, lifesaving resolution we can all take part in – blood donation.

We need more blood donors of color: Black blood donors are desperately needed, so I donated for the first time

Every two seconds, someone in America needs blood. Hospitals cannot manufacture blood; only generous volunteers can donate this lifesaving resource. One in seven patients entering a hospital requires blood.

These include trauma victims, those battling anemia, cancer or sickle cell , and patients undergoing organ or bone marrow transplants.

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