New Columbus school board President Christina Vera faces school closings, other challenges

New Columbus school board President Christina Vera grew up in Columbus City Schools as did her husband and now, their three children.

Her selection as president by her board colleagues in January might have surprised some. She had been on the board just two years.

But Vera continues to learn about the district and its schools. She is well aware of the challenges facing the district and the board: declining enrollment, high student absenteeism, low test scores.

Not to mention looming school closures and consolidations.

But she remains steadfast.

“My role is to listen,” Vera said during a recent interview at the Roosevelt Coffeehouse Downtown near where she works. “I know the power of this district.”

And she said her focus is on the here and now.

“I don’t want to talk about decades ago,” she said. “I want solutions. I don’t want to be part of the negativity.”

Vera has a lifelong connection with the district. A big reason: The teachers in the district helped steer her down a good path when she was younger.

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