Franklin County Feb 06 Weekly Crime Report: 714 Incidents and 82 Crime Stories

Franklin County Feb 06 Weekly Crime Report: 714 Incidents and 82 Crime Stories

During the last week, Franklin County reported a total of 714 crime cases. The most frequent crime type was theft, with 256 cases, accounting for nearly 36% of the total crimes. This was followed by ‘Other’ types of crime, with 123 cases, and Assault, with 84 cases. ‘Suspicious Situation’ and ‘Vandalism’ were also noticeable with 63 and 53 cases respectively. Less frequent but still significant were cases of ‘Trespass’, ‘Burglary’, ‘Arrest’, ‘Disturbance’ and ‘Shooting’, with 32, 25, 24, 18, and 16 cases respectively. The least reported crimes were ‘Domestic Related’, ‘Robbery’, ‘Veh Pursuit’, and ‘Arson’ with 11, 6, 2, and 1 cases respectively. The data reveals a concerning prevalence of theft, necessitating urgent attention and action from local law enforcement and community leaders.

Incidents Last Week
Theft 256
Other 123
Assault 84
Suspicious Situation 63
Vandalism 53
Trespass 32
Burglary 25
Arrest 24
Disturbance 18
Shooting 16

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