Several Pastors show support for same-sex bathrooms

HB 183 was first introduced into legislation on May 20, 2023. HB 183 would restrict the ability of trans and gender-diverse youth and adults to use restrooms and other facilities in schools and at colleges and universities in Ohio.

From October through December of 2023, countless testimony has been given with the majority opposing the passing of the restrictions.

Dale Lykins, from Columbus, OH who is also the Pastor of the Open Table Church does not support the passing of this bill. In an excerpt from his written October 11, 2023 testimony he stated:

“I think it is extremely important that transgender people be able to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. I am a pastor and represent many Christians who feel this way. We believe that all humanity is a diverse expression of the full beauty of this world including transgender people. I am also the dad of a trans son. Transgender people are expressing what is truth inside of themselves and wish to live that truth on the outside.”

The Rev. Alice Connor, assistant Rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Anderson Township “implored the committee not to pass HB183 out of committee–it is hurtful, unnecessary and unenforceable.”

Linda Harvey strongly feels the passing of HB 183 needs to occur. In Linda’s testimony she referred to various incidents that occurred to support her belief in having the bill passed.

“We have more than enough evidence that gender confusion signals emotional instability. And bathrooms provide a prime space for violence to act out. In New Mexico, a 12 -year- old girl was raped by a boy pretending to be a girl in 2021. The girl kept it a secret for many months because she was afraid of being labeled a bigot by her school, which has an open bathroom policy. So her dive into depression went many months without being diagnosed. It turns out, assaults had happened to several other girls who were also remaining silent. “

Annie Payne, Mentor School Board Member provided testimony (written on her own behalf and not representative of the Mentor Board of Education) Ohio School Board Constitutional Coalition Board Member had several concerns if the bill was not passed.

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