Editorial: Toledo needs people

It’s literally a tale of two cities in Ohio.

Columbus added 1.1 percent to its population in 2023, according to a Bank of America report widely published in the national media. Columbus leads the nation in growth according to Bank of America, which concludes there is a trend away from high-cost cities to locations with affordable housing and strong job prospects.

Greater Toledo has tremendous housing values as reflected by the Realtor.com designation as 2024’s top U.S. market. But population is declining rather than growing in northwest Ohio, and turning that around is the top priority for regional prosperity.

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Toledo is not alone in facing population decline. Cleveland has also identified more job opportunities than people as the top impediment to economic development. Creation of a talent alliance to attract new arrivals and keep university students is the Cleveland response. Toledo appears to be ahead of the curve as one of 10 cities nationally piloting a new Baldrige Community of Excellence Program devoted to assuring there will be skilled workers here to help existing companies grow and new companies take root.

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