Public toilets that freeze up in cold is latest example of clueless Columbus leaders

Columbus public toilets fiasco beats Air Force toilet covers

Several years ago, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, highlighted the U.S. Air Force force spending $10,000+ for toilet seat covers. Now, Columbus city leaders have shown that amount is minimal comparatively, spending more than $2.1 million for three outdoor public toilets in downtown Columbus. The toilets currently don’t meet code and freeze up in cold weather. At least the Air Force seat covers worked.

This fiasco is another example of Columbus city leaders who are clueless and can’t find economical, workable solutions.

Raymond D’Angelo, Westerville

Bring back parking meters to increase Short North visitors

In an otherwise well- researched and written article about what’s causing a business decline in the Short North, one important factor was omitted. The City of Columbus, no doubt under the sway of tech-savvy teenagers, eliminated all the parking meters and substituted an electronic system that requires one to own and use a cellphone, log in to a fairly confusing system and provide credit card information.

Story continues