Columbus ransomware attack: What’s still unknown one month after the data breach

One month into a ransomware attack against Columbus that the city has now acknowledged may have compromised the personal information of close to half a million private citizens and thousands more city employees , the public still knows precious little about what happened.

And that’s by design, as city officials, all Democrats, have directed all questions to Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, whose data officials largely ran the city’s computer operations. Ginther and his staff have answered some questions about the hack, but have not provided many details on how much data has been compromised or how city services have been hampered.

At a press conference Saturday , Ginther said there is likely more pain to come as investigators continue to learn just how much sensitive information is now out in the open thanks to the leak.

One month since the hack, The Dispatch decided to determine what we know today and, more importantly, what we still don’t know.

How bad was the Columbus ransomware attack? What was stolen?

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