Mailbox: Loyal Columbus Crew fan won’t stand for Haslams moving game to Cleveland

On the Columbus Crew

To the editor : Thanks for a great article on our Crew. I must say I was a bit taken aback, though. My wife and I moved to Columbus in 2020, and we became season-ticket holders in 2021. We currently have six season tickets and have enjoyed two championships and many fun times with family at This year I have paid approximately $5,600 for our seats and additional matches, so I consider myself a faithful season-ticket holder and fan. (I traveled to St. Paul in February to see the Crew play).

I did just renew my season tickets (the cost has gone up 50% from the 2023 season) and voiced my displeasure with my ticket rep in the jump in prices. He toed the party line with the explanation: We want to keep winning, players cost a lot, the Haslams are a poor family … just kidding on that last point. While I wasn’t formally told about the potential for games in Cleveland when I renewed over the phone, the rep said he could read the small print in the renewal contract, which I declined to have him do, so that’s on me.

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