Letters: FirstEnergy bribery scandal still harming Ohioans

Ohio leaders think we have money to give away

I want to thank Sen. Kent Smith, guest columnist, for his editorial regarding Gov. DeWine and his Lt. Gov. Jon Husted. The information he gave regarding PUCO and the FirstEnergy bribes to our elected officials and their theft from taxpayers, was invaluable.

Many citizens have questioned, “How did our officials let the huge FirstEnergy mess happen?” Someone took the bribe money offered. The next question is, ”Why are we, taxpayers, still paying for House Bill 6?” Yes, Sam Randazzo and his FirstEnergy cronies got caught. But a deferred prosecution agreement let them off the hook, while we continue to pay for their crimes. No one is truly held responsible — including Ohio’s top official and his lieutenant.

Where is the responsibility to the electorate? To the taxpayers? We are supposed to suck it up, swallow this slap on the wrist to big business and oh, yes — continue to pay for House Bill 6!

This state (we people) also lost millions of dollars to the ECOT “education” scandal. Ohioans continue to lose money from the First Energy/House Bill 6 scandal. Regardless of your political party affiliation, we are all being taken, as if we are stupid and have money to give away. This is the representation we are getting from our top government officials? Thanks. Think about these things before you vote!

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