Dead bobcat found along Ohio highway

UNION COUNTY , Ohio (WJW) – A dead bobcat found along an Ohio highway gave high school students a unique and up-close look at the elusive wild cat.

While, bobcats are native to the Buckeye State and sightings are becoming more frequent as their population makes a rebound , wildlife officials report the odds of seeing one in the wild are “ very unlikely .”

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According to a recent release of field reports from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources , in November, a wildlife officer received a call about a possible dead bobcat on U.S. Route 33. The officer responded to the call, confirmed a female bobcat had likely been hit by a vehicle, and collected the animal to be properly disposed.

However, officials said Officer Brian Motsinger maintains a good relationship with the Marysville High School Agricultural Department and took time to show the bobcat to the school’s wildlife and fisheries class “as an educational tool” before disposing of the carcass…

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