Three boys got caught in fast-moving water within a Moreno Valley storm channel today, leading to a rescue operation that resulted in the quick recovery of two and the delayed recovery of their companion.
The water emergency was reported at 4:25 p.m. in the area of Cottonwood Avenue and Dilbeck Drive, according to the Riverside County Fire Department.
Witnesses called 911 saying three youths were unable to get out of the canal, though it was unclear how they got in there or why.
Storm cells had just moved through the location.
Sheriff’s patrol deputies were first to respond and used their own or borrowed gear to rapidly remove two boys from the canal, according to officials.
Multiple fire engine crews and a swift water rescue team deployed to the location, setting up potential recovery points along the channel between Cottonwood and Dilbeck to the north and Alessandro Boulevard and Heacock Street to the south, authorities said.
At 4:50 p.m., the third boy was pulled safely from the water by deputies who had gone in after him.