Southern Californians hit with skyrocketing electricity bills

If your electric bill this month was sky high, it wasn’t just scorching summer heat that was to blame, and you’re NOT alone. Many Southern California Edison customers are feeling the heat living with the TOU pricing system: That’s ‘Time of Use.’

Put into effect in 2020 and 2021, TOU pricing is exactly what it says: You pay different rates for your electricity depending on the time of day you are using it. As SCE puts it, it costs more to produce and deliver electricity during different times of day, so this is supposed to provide “an incentive for customers to shift electricity use away from more expensive peak hours.”

SCE admits rates will generally be higher during summer weekday afternoons. If you run the AC, work at home, do laundry during those hours, you are paying MORE than if you wait and do those things during later or off-peak hours.

We asked SCE for specific data on what the TOU pricing has done to people’s bills.

It didn’t provide that info. Anecdotally, this user (I am an SCE customer) has seen the afternoon TOU bill get much larger, especially with two kids home during the hot southern California summer.

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