California’s extreme heat is a ‘silent disaster’

California sees hundreds of heat-related deaths each year, with vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and outdoor workers, most at risk. The death toll can range from 100 to 200 in typical years but spikes during severe heat waves – like the one gripping the Golden State this week.

In 2006, a particularly devastating heat wave led to at least 140 deaths in California, according to government data . Experts warn that the true number of heat-related fatalities may be underreported since underlying health conditions exacerbated by heat are not always classified.

Nationally, heat-related illnesses claimed an estimated 1,300 to 1,700 lives in 2023.

Southern California Weather Forecast

According to a recent report from California’s insurance department , seven extreme heat events between 2013 and 2022 resulted in nearly 460 deaths, 5,000 hospitalizations, and 344 adverse birth outcomes, affecting nearly the entire population of California.

These events disproportionately impacted Black, Hispanic, and Native American communities, with older adults facing higher death rates.

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