Anaheim hotel fined heavily for not rehiring workers laid off during pandemic

California’s labor commissioner on Tuesday slapped the Anaheim Marriott with more than $12 million in fines for failing to try to rehire workers who were laid off during the pandemic.

The hotel did not properly offer jobs to 28 former employees, including bell attendants, engineers, landscapers and lead cooks, according to the office of Lilia García-Brower, the state labor commissioner.

The $12.45-million penalty comes under California’s “right to recall” law, which requires employers in hospitality and building services industries to first offer workers who were let go during the pandemic the chance to return when job openings become available.

The labor commissioner’s office said it launched its investigation of the Anaheim Marriott in June 2022 after Unite Here Local 11, a union representing hospitality workers, submitted reports alleging the hotel had violated the recall law by using staffing agencies to make hires.

The investigation found that the hotel, which reopened in 2021 after shutting down amid the pandemic, failed to offer back jobs to long-serving employees, or offered employees their jobs back belatedly after hiring others. Some of the affected employees had worked with the company for as many as 40 years.

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