California Senate Bill SB-712 Will Change California’s Smog Laws To Allow Exemptions For Classic Cars 35 Years Old And Older!

I grew up in California and know what it is like to be a hot rodder and racer there. When I was growing up, any car 1966 and newer required an emissions inspection/test. But make no mistake, no matter what any of you out there say in other states, the car scene in California is next level. The big thing that has always made California tougher than many other states, was there visual inspection. Unfortunately, they not only wanted to do an emission test but also a visual under hood test that made it impossible to use performance parts unless they had a CARB EO# on them. Over the past 40 years there have been several State Bills that were introduced in order to change the requirements for emissions testing on older vehicles, but with rare exception they have never passed. In the late 1990’s there were some changes and then revisions in 2006, which changed the law to make vehicles model year 1975 and earlier, exempt from smog check requirements. Unfortunately, California was not willing to vote for legislation that would make it a rolling 25 year exemption like many states.

Thanks to California State Senator Shannon Grove, there is another chance to get relief for California’s classic car owners as she has introduced SB 712 which she is calling the Jay Leno bill. I’m hoping that this bill gets good traction because of Jay’s support, and that it will pass and make life a little easier for those into classic cars in California.

There is a summary of the new Bill below, but ultimately SB 712 will allow vehicles that are 35 years old, or older to be exempt if they have classic car insurance. This is great news for a couple of reasons. A. Classic car insurance is usually cheaper than regular car insurance. And B. the rolling 35 year target means that right now 1990 and older cars and trucks could be exempt and that each year we’d get more exemptions…

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