Schweizer: ‘Fool’s Gold’ Blows the Lid on California Corruption

If you think you know how bad things are in California, you don’t. If you think you know how corrupt the state’s leading politicians are, it’s worse than that. Sticky-fingered pols pushing woke policies have turned the Golden State into fool’s gold.

That’s the title of a new book out March 11 by two investigative reporters—Susan Crabtree of RealClearPolitics, and the Government Accountability Institute’s own Jedd McFatter. Fool’s Gold: The Radicals, Con Artists, and Traitors Who Killed the California Dream and Now Threaten Us All exposes the shocking truth behind California’s fall from grace, and how progressives want to do it to the rest of the nation. The book exposes the corruption of California’s leading Democratic lights—Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Adam Schiff, former Vice President Kamala Harris, and former House speaker Nancy Pelosi…

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