Corpus Christi ISD school board weighs in against school chaplains, will vote next month

Corpus Christi ISD does not plan to employ chaplains in schools.

Last spring, the Texas Legislature approved a bill allowing unlicensed religions chaplains to work in Texas public schools, with pay coming from school safety funding. The legislation also allows volunteer chaplains into schools in mental health roles.

School boards across the state have until March to vote on whether to allow chaplains in their schools. The Corpus Christi ISD Board of Trustees discussed the issue Monday evening.

Due to questions about the precise language required under state law in a resolution regarding chaplains, the board tabled the item and plans to officially vote on a resolution in February outlining that the district will not employ chaplains or allow them to volunteer in mental health or counseling positions.

The official vote is still to come, but the board clearly expressed opposition to chaplains providing mental health services in schools, though members of the clergy and chaplains would still be allowed to volunteer in schools in the same manner as any other community volunteer.

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