IOB Couple Fear for Lives After Repeated Dog Attacks

Ingleside Index
Brandi Robinson, 51 (right), managed a finance company for years. Her husband, Roland, 60, served as a Master Sergeant in the U.S. Army before the Oklahoma couple retired and bought their dream home near the Gulf shore. They are like many who reside in Ingleside on the Bay, traveling the peninsula community in a golf cart. But the couple resorted to carrying wasp spray to deter errant dogs that have twice attacked them as they drove IOB streets, each time trying to bite them, their tiny gaspowered vehicle lacking adequate speed to escape. Now they are calling on the city and law enforcement to crack down on citizens who violate an existing ordinance by allowing their pets to roam unleashed.


Serving in the U.S. Army, Roland Robinson escaped certain death more than once, almost blown to bits three times by improvised explosive devices (IED’s) in Iraq and Afghanistan. He and his wife Brandi, 51, who managed a finance company, left Oklahoma, and retired to Ingleside on the Bay, thoroughly expecting their home near the Gulf shore to be just as they imagined, part of a peaceful, neighborly community. But that dream has been shattered by two attacks last year involving errant dogs that chased and attacked the couple as they meandered IOB streets in their gas-powered golf cart. In each instance, the pair said the dogs attempted biting them. The frightening encounters got so bad they began carrying a can of wasp spray as deterrent, the tiny vehicle they rode in lacked enough speed to outrun the animals.

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