Ingleside Gives Shout Out to Aransas Pass for Cold Snap Assistance

Jaeger, one of several dogs under the care of the Ingleside Animal Shelter was kept warm and comfortable during last week’s cold snap thanks to help from the City of Aransas Pass, agreeing to use its Animal Control shelter space to house animals since Ingleside’s temporary facility has no indoor accommodations.
Courtesy: Ingleside Police Department

Using social media to express their gratitude, the City of Ingleside thanked neighboring Aransas Pass for stepping up to help in a time of need during last week’s cold snap. Ingleside’s temporary animal shelter lacks any indoor, heated accommodation for the many dogs under their care, so the animal control shelter managed by Aransas Pass Police opened its doors for several days until the temperatures rose once again.

“Shout out to Aransas Pass Animal Control for helping to keep our dogs warm during the frigid weather,” was posted on the Ingleside Animal Shelter Facebook page. “Thank you!” followed, all in caps.

“Many hands make light work! Thank you to the folks with Aransas Pass Animal Control for helping us temporarily house our dogs during all of this chilly weather! They are safe, warm, and happy. Good things happen when we all work together!” the post continued.

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