Coastal Bend health experts seeing a slight increase in flu cases

According to the Nueces County Health Department, the week before Christmas we had just over 800 reported flu cases.

Two weeks earlier, we had just under 500 cases in Nueces County. Now, cases have been in the 300s, but in the last week, they’ve begun to climb once again.

“The last few weeks I have certainly noticed at our center here at Amistad, spikes in the flu, and some you just come in and say looks like flu you know it’s flu. So there is definitely an increase in flu lately,” Eric Baggerman, C.E.O. and pediatrician at Amistad Health said.

Baggerman said the reason for the recent spike can be due to many reasons.

“It is definitely a viral season and a lot of the reasons for that is because it is easier for the virus to live and replicate,” Baggerman said. “It is also easier for us to share it because of our habits during the winter.”

Baggerman said people should not be alarmed by this and try to focus on preventing the spread.

“The biggest thing we can do to help prevent the spread of these things, whether it is catching or giving it to others, is by washing our hands regularly,” Baggerman said. “Avoid touching your face wash your hands, if you need to sneeze or cough make sure you do it on some cloth, that is why they say into your sleeves, not just on your bare arms.”

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