How much will you pay in property taxes? Corpus Christi City Council is nearing a decision

Decisions are nearing on what Corpus Christi residents will pay in taxes, rates and fees in the coming year — and the public still has a shot to comment on how those prices shake out.

Tuesday is expected to mark the first of two votes by the City Council to determine how much it costs taxpayers to make their home in city limits, including property taxes and utilities bills.

Although the fees, rates and taxes are proposed by the city’s staff, the council has sometimes in the past approved different rates, fees and taxes than initially suggested.

The budget must be adopted before the beginning of the fiscal year, Oct. 1. A second and final vote on the budget is set for the Sept. 10 meeting.

Here’s a breakdown of what is being considered for basic services and homeownership. The proposed property taxes, rates and fees are based on available budget documents for the Tuesday meeting.

Property taxes

Proposed property tax: About 60 cents per $100 valuation

Current property tax: The same, about 60 cents per $100 valuation

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