Ingleside City Council assures residents 2024-2025 budget is on track

Following Tuesday’s Ingleside City Council meeting, council members assured residents that the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget will be passed on time. The budget deadline is Tuesday, September 24.

“Believe it or not, we are on track,” Council member Steve Diehl told KRIS 6 News. “We will adopt a budget on time, no problem. And on Oct. 1, we will have an operating budget for the city manager to execute.”

Diehl, one of the council’s most vocal members throughout the budget process, previously expressed concerns. During an Aug. 27 meeting, he told attendees, “My personal opinion is we’re nowhere near having a budget to vote on, and we’ve got 30 days to go.” Adam Beam
Steve Diehl holds up the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget draft during an Ingleside City Council meeting on August 27, 2024.

When speaking with Diehl, much of the concern on Tuesday was over the budget’s current draft, which proposed cutting the city’s Economic Development Department.

“I was against abolishing our Economic Development Department because that sends a terrible message to future potential developers that may or may not be looking at Ingleside,” he said.

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