Historic planes take flight in the Rockport sky this weekend

It’s one thing to learn history, but experiencing it can take you to a whole other world. That’s the opportunity ACTS Aviation is bringing to neighbors at the War Birds Over South Texas event on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 16 and 17.

Warbirds Over South Texas showcases about a dozen or more historic planes to the community and teaches what kinds of career opportunities there are in aviation.

“These airplanes are really special because they aren’t seen every day. A lot of the kids we’ve talked to have gone to the U.S.S Lexington and seen these airplanes as static displays, and we know those airplanes will never fly again. But they come out to Rockport once a year and those same models of aircraft are flying around in pattern. The sounds and what they look like, it just transports you back to what it was like in 1945,” ACTS Aviation owner Cody Stewart said.

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Stewart fell in love with aviation in a similar way.

“I was one of those kids. I took my first airplane ride when I was ten in Rockport when they had the airshows in the early 90’s. If I could do that for another kid, let’s do that every year,” Stewart said.

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