NAMI Georgia Provides Mental Health Tools For Life Challenges

In 2022 Georgia ranked 48th in the nation for accessibility to obtain mental healthcare. While this is not great, it is actually better than our ranking just a few years ago when we were dead last. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Their annual fundraiser NAMI Walk – Georgia will take place on Saturday, October 5th. The funds raised by this event allow the organization to lobby on behalf of better mental health services and expand its reach into local communities. And while the stigma around receiving mental healthcare is still strong, people in diverse communities feel comfortable with the words “my therapist said…” Even men at this point speak about receiving therapy that makes life better for them and those around them. Life will be life and it is mentally refreshing to speak with someone who provides not only fresh perspectives but also tools that can be used to overcome those emotional challenges that all humans face.

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