Party Chair Defames Local Precinct Chairs in Shocking Scandal

In a recent development, evidence has emerged suggesting that Kardal Coleman, Chair of the Dallas County Democratic Party (DCDP), has engaged in defamation against two local Precinct Chairs, Keisha Nixon and Author Anderson. The two volunteers, both heavily involved in community work and voter registration, were shocked to learn that Coleman had been spreading false narratives about them.

Nixon stated, “Neither of us had ever met Kardal prior to receiving news from various sources that he was defaming us. It came as a total shock. The Chair of the ninth largest county-led party in the country is defaming people he has never even met. It’s almost unbelievable.”

The claims against Coleman involve accusations that he circulated messages describing Nixon and Anderson as “unbalanced,” further alleging that they had harassed an elected official and might even face a restraining order. Additionally, Coleman purportedly claimed that the two had been seen recording videos outside the home of DeSoto City Councilmember Crystal Chism, though he provided no motive for this alleged behavior.

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