NORTH TEXAS – More than half a million people packed the streets of downtown Dallas for the 37th annual Dallas Holiday Parade. It featured thousands of entertainers, giant inflatables, antique cars, pageant queens, and more.
A line of color and holiday cheer as far as the eye could see filled the streets of Dallas.
“It’s fun to see all the red and green and everyone out and we’re ready. We’re ready for Christmas,” Carol Leonard said.
Leonard came out to watch the opening act her daughter performed in.
“My daughter is a senior at Wylie East High School. Her name’s Kinsey. She’s been dancing since she was in the first grade,” Leonard said. “I’m out here for the last three years and frozen, but this morning, with the rain, it was a little different.”
Not one but 18 marching bands entertained the crowd, with even the Grinch feeling generous.
“I love the music and the bands the most. It just brings the energy up, and it’s so fun,” Kailey Byrd said.