City of Dallas, nonprofits to help homeless during cold snap

Temperatures below freezing have prompted North Texas cities and nonprofits to step up their efforts to provide people who are homeless with a safe place to stay.

The city of Dallas opened a temporary overnight shelter in the Grand Place Building at Fair Park as temperatures dropped below freezing. The city is working with the nonprofits, Austin Street Center, and OurCalling to run the shelter with 900 beds.

“We are continuing the collaboration to build a resilient and inclusive community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive,” Interim City Manager Kim Tolbert said.

Police and private security are working at Fair Park; Dallas Fire-Rescue, Parkland Hospital, and the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority are providing medical and mental health services.

Dallas Animal Services is providing space for people’s pets.

“We work together to streamline operations and allocate resources during this time effectively,” Tolbert says.

The Dallas Office of Homeless Solutions, Austin Street Center and OurCalling have outreach teams sending texts and visiting camps to warn people of the cold weather and the option to come to Fair Park. They also have buses running among other shelters to bring people to the temporary location.

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